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Why Soft Skills are Important for Students and Employees?

Soft Skills are the personality-specific skills that determine the success of a person as a leader, a negotiator, a mentor, a mediator, an influencer and a communicator. There are good leaders who actively guide and bad leaders who actively misguide. Hence, leadership is about persuasion, presentation and people skills. A persons soft skills contribute to the success of their organization. Especially, the staffs dealing with customers face-to-face are generally more successful, if they are trained to use these skills.

Your knowledge or qualifications are, "why people might talk with you"
your Soft Skills are, "why they will do business with you"

Tom Cruise

There are good leaders who actively guide and bad leaders who actively misguide. Hence, leadership is about persuasion, presentation and people skills. The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success are Concentration, Discrimination, Organization, Innovation and Communication.Soft Skills lead to great customer service. A customer who has received great service will keep coming back and will tell others of their good experience.

 Corporate training in Hyderabad

List of top Soft Skills in work place?

There are more than top 50 soft skills desired by people to manage in the workplace environment. Some of them are listed here:

Individual (for self) People(working with others) Leaders(while leading a group)
Communication People management Influencing
Creative Thinking Conflict management Negotiation
Introspection Performance management Delegation
Presentation Team building Decision making
Planning Organizing Leadership
Team player Listening skills Motivation
Accepting feedback Empathy Goal Setting
Discipline Collaboration Critical Thinking
Anger management Coordination Facilitating
Time management Problem-solving Execution
Goal oriented Sales Persuasion
Public speaking Project management Strategic Planning
Confidence Flexibility Constructive feedback